Recent content by RandomTomato

  1. RandomTomato

    Unleash the Tropics, where warmth and wonders intertwine! 🏝️🌞

    Ahoy, me hearty! We are overjoyed to announce the third Feature Update for Scavenged Shores! :blush::love: Before diving into the specifics of this update I would like to personally apologize for the delay between this update and the last. Since the last update a year ago the team and I have...
  2. RandomTomato

    Hello everyone! This is the first post on my profile! I am excited to see what the future of...

    Hello everyone! This is the first post on my profile! I am excited to see what the future of Scavenged Shores holds! :blush::shootingstar:
  3. RandomTomato

    It's Time for Nature to Fight Back! 🍀 🌸

    Shiver me timbers! We are excited to announce the second Feature Update for Scavenged Shores :blush::tada: We would like to apologize for the large delay between updates although we believe the wait has been worth it, as we are proud to announce the largest update to ever be released on...
  4. RandomTomato

    Trick or Treat? We say treat! 🍭 👻

    Yarr! We'd love to introduce the very first Feature Update for Scavenged Shores :blush::p Every year, around this season, a wave of eeriness washes over Scavenged Shores. A legend told from generation to generation mentions the lost treasure of an infamous captain. One who roams the dark seas...
  5. RandomTomato

    Fixed Invincible baby drowned spawned in sewers

    Thank you for reporting this issue! :) This bug was fixed in Scavenged Shores Patch 0.2 As this bug has been fixed this thread has been marked as Fixed and Locked Thanks RandomTomato :blush:
  6. RandomTomato

    Fixed Chestplate Health Effects

    Thank you for reporting this issue! :) This bug was fixed in Scavenged Shores Patch 0.2 As this bug has been fixed this thread has been marked as Fixed and Locked Thanks RandomTomato :blush:
  7. RandomTomato

    Fixed Weapon Invisible First Person

    Thank you for reporting this issue! :) This bug was fixed in Scavenged Shores Patch 0.2 As this bug has been fixed this thread has been marked as Fixed and Locked Thanks RandomTomato :blush:
  8. RandomTomato

    Scavenged Shores Patch #1 is now Live! ✨🎀

    Yarr' mateys! We are proud to announce that our first patch to Scavenged Shores is now Live! :love::blush: With the release of Scavenged Shores there came a lot of bugs which were missed throughout development. We would like to let you all know that after a weeks worth of hard work, we've...
  9. RandomTomato

    Guide Professions

    What are professions, how do I join a profession, and can I change professions? Image 1 - Showcase of the Fishing Profession Professions are a fun, alternative way to obtain currency within Scavenged Shores. These professions can help players obtain items that can be sold to Hoarders within...
  10. RandomTomato

    Guide Bank Vaults

    What is a bank vault, how do I purchase one and how do I access it? Image 1 - Showcase of the where to access your Bank Vaults Scavenged Shores offers vaults where players can safely store their most valuable possessions. Only you are able to view, place and remove items from your vault. This...
  11. RandomTomato

    The Release of Scavenged Shores 🌊🎉

    Yarr' mateys! We'd love to introduce the newly released, anticipated Minecraft Server, Scavenged Shores! :eek::love: What is Scavenged Shores you may be wondering? :blush: Scavenged Shores is a world full of pirates and thieves, with islands ranging from a tropical paradise to a frozen-over...
  12. RandomTomato

    Guide Custom Items

    Scavenged Shores contains many new and exciting Custom Items that wont be found within your normal, plain ol’ version of Minecraft.” These Custom Items allow a unique, authentic experience for players, altering the way that you can interact with the game What rarities are there? Each custom...
  13. RandomTomato

    Guide Islands

    What are player islands, what can I do with them and how do I purchase them? Image 1- Showcase of the default Personal Island Player islands can be purchased via the Purchase Islands NPC located on the docks of Niandrea. These island are customisable and owned by you, which means you manage...
  14. RandomTomato

    Guide Shops & Player Shops

    Why are there shops, what’s in the shop and how do they work? Image 1 - Showcase of a NPC shop Shops are available for players to purchase various items and blocks to advance their gameplay, their experience, or allow a player’s creative side to flourish. The shops have a variety of different...
  15. RandomTomato

    Guide An Introduction to Profiles

    Where is my profile, what is my profile and why do we use it on Scavenged Shores? Scavenged Shores aims to immerse players into a completely unique, Minecraft RPG experience, therefore, we use custom menus like profiles to minimise the need of chat commands. Your profile is located in the 9th...

Site Created By Ben Jenkins
