We'd love to introduce the very first Feature Update for Scavenged Shores
Every year, around this season, a wave of eeriness washes over Scavenged Shores. A legend told from generation to generation mentions the lost treasure of an infamous captain. One who roams the dark seas in a ghastly ship, and steals the souls of unfortunate sailors. His treasures are all unique, but will they trick you or will you be showered with treats?
This update has some exciting new developments as well as a completely new event for you to harness the power halloween!
Starting off, we have the new limited time crate with 16 new and unique items and 2 unique cosmetics. Purchase or earn the keys to start unlocking these rare items! Crate keys can be located on the Scavenged Shores website at https://store.scavengedshores.com/.

Image 1 - Contents of the Halloween Crate
Halloween Event
Next, to bring the spirit of Halloween, we are introducing a completely new seasonal event called The Harrowing
We can’t spoil too much more, but if you’re as excited as we are, the event drops on the 27th of October.

Image 2 - The Harrowing Event
General Updates
The development team has been working hard to ensure your playthrough is balanced, stable and fun! We’ve revisited some components that we felt were lacking or didn’t feel fair, as well as worked on some new features to perfect the Scavenged Shores experience.
Weapon Rework
Weapons now have Elemental Types

Image 3 - Weapon Rework Example
Pirate Raid Rework & Updates
We love the raiding mechanic as much as you do, but we felt it was a bit too easy and simple, which makes the experience a bit lacklustre. To really capture the experience of a warzone, we are adding a few changes to each raid map. Damageable walls will now spawn throughout the map, which will require players to break it down to explore further. Additionally, cannon balls will now rain from the sky, causing AoE (area of effect) damage in the landing zones. This is to make the experience a little more chaotic and challenging. Furthermore, a new map is being added for players to raid and explore! Check it out by visiting the raids, left of spawn on the ship.

Image 4 - The new Pirate Raids map "Oasis"
The development team is always finding ways to incorporate your favourite things into our server, so we decided to incorporate some parkour with a little twist. Cannonkour requires players to navigate obstacles with the aid of cannons that can launch players to checkpoints. Starting off, we have created three maps ready to be challenged and beaten, which can be accessed via the cannon in Tomatara (aim for the hot air balloon!). We will be monitoring the difficulty of each map and will appreciate feedback on this new mode.

Image 6 - The new Cannonkour Map "Pirate Fortress"

Image 6 - The new Cannonkour Map "The Jungle"
Whenever you go out of your way to support us, we want to give back to you. Following this, we will be adding a new merchant that rewards you for voting for our server via a ticket system. These tickets are earnable through voting and can be exchanged for various prizes through the ticket system. As always, we thank you for your support!

Image 7 - Showcase of the new Voting Tickets
I would like to personally thank everyone who contributed to the development of this update and I am extremely excited as to the direction the server is heading in! We are truly working on something special
We hope to see you online
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